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视频号小店 视频号开店流程 视频号带货 视频号入驻类目入驻 2024技术攻略!(超好用)

发布时间:2024-01-30        浏览次数:1        返回列表
视频号小店 视频号开店流程 视频号带货 视频号入驻类目入驻 2024技术攻略!(超好用)-宣传视频
视频号小店 视频号开店流程 视频号带货 视频号入驻类目入驻  2024技术攻略!(超好用)

Video Number Store, Video Number Store Opening Process, Video Number Live Selling, Video Number Category Entry, 2024 Technical Strategy! (Super useful)

Welcome to the article provided by Feiwen Network Technology Company in Guandu District! In this article, we will explore the process of opening a Video Number Store on Douyin, as well as the materials you need to prepare. We will also provide valuable information and insights to help you successfully enter the world of Douyin and boost your business!

1. Introduction to Douyin Certification

If you want to open a Video Number Store on Douyin, the first step is to get Douyin Certification. Douyin Certification is divided into two types: Personal Certification and Enterprise Certification. Personal Certification is suitable for individual sellers, while Enterprise Certification is more suitable for businesses and companies. Both certifications require certain qualifications and documents to prove your identity and legitimacy.

2. Douyin Entry Process

The entry process for Douyin involves several steps:

Step 1: Download the Douyin app and create an account. Step 2: Complete the profile and set up your Video Number Store. Step 3: Apply for Douyin Certification. Step 4: Prepare the required materials for verification. Step 5: Submit your application and wait for the review. Step 6: After passing the review, your Video Number Store is officially opened!

3. Materials Needed for Douyin Certification

To apply for Douyin Certification, you need to prepare the following materials:

For Personal Certification: - Valid ID card or passport - Clear personal photo - Social security or tax payment proof (optional) - Other supporting materials to prove your qualifications For Enterprise Certification: - Business license or certificate of incorporation - Organization code certificate (optional) - Tax registration certificate - Social security registration certificate (optional) - Legal representative's ID card or passport - Clear photos of the business location - Other supporting materials to prove your business legitimacy

4. Benefits of Douyin Certification

once you obtain Douyin Certification, you will enjoy the following benefits:

- Verified Douyin account, gaining trust from users - Access to advanced features, such as Douyin Live - Higher exposure and visibility in search results - Eligibility to participate in promotional campaigns and events - Enhanced credibility for your brand or business

5. Douyin Blue V Certification

Aside from Douyin Certification, you may have heard of Douyin Blue V Certification. Blue V Certification is a higher level of verification aimed at more influential accounts on Douyin. It requires a larger fan base, higher engagement, and greater influence on the platform. Blue V Certification represents an elite status and further enhances your credibility and authority in the Douyin community.

6. Douyin Report vs. Douyin Blue V Certification

Douyin Report is a feature that allows users to report inappropriate content or violations of platform guidelines. On the other hand, Douyin Blue V Certification is a verification process for accounts with significant influence and popularity. While Douyin Report aims to maintain a healthy and safe environment on Douyin, Douyin Blue V Certification aims to recognize and reward outstanding content creators.

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, opening a Video Number Store on Douyin is an exciting opportunity to expand your business and reach a wider audience. Through Douyin Certification, you can establish trust with users, access advanced features, and enhance your brand credibility. Remember to prepare the necessary materials and go through the entry process carefully. By leveraging the power of video content and live selling, you can elevate your business to new heights in the digital era!

Now, what are you waiting for? Take a step forward and embark on your Douyin journey today! Start your Video Number Store and unleash the unlimited potential of Douyin!



年龄限制:必须满18周岁以上才能申请成为抖音的创作者。 身份审核:身份必须真实有效,需要提供身份证明材料。 内容审核:必须遵守《抖音社区准则》,发布的内容不能违反相关法律法规。 账号绑定:需要绑定手机号或者其他社交平台账号,以便于账号管理和联系。


下载并注册抖音APP。 创建账号并填写个人信息。 完成身份认证,需要提供相关的身份证明材料。 设置账号头像和昵称,以及个性签名。 熟悉抖音的操作界面和功能,掌握如何录制、编辑和发布短视频。 了解抖音的推广平台,学习如何提高视频的曝光度和粉丝互动。 根据个人特长和兴趣选择内容创作的方向,并不断磨炼自己的创作技巧。



  • 地址:海南省海口市龙华区滨海街道盐灶路233-2号
  • 电话:16762857979
  • 手机:16762857979
  • 联系人:陈销售员